We understand that moving to a new country or city can be a bit difficult if you do not have the right information. So we have put together some pieces of information to help you with your transition.
To find lots about big annual events, landmark sites and national attractions for which Canada’s Capital is best known click here. You will also learn about interesting things to see and do, local attractions, Ottawa neighbourhoods, shopping, dining and more here.
Housing is one of the most important things to consider when moving to Ottawa. The University of Ottawa provides some on & off campus accomodation to students. However, these accomodations are mainly available for undergraduate students. You can also find housing close to school and even in town. To know the criteria and ways to search for housing, go here.
In Ottawa, there are a number of ways to get around. The first is obviously having your own car. As a student at uOttawa, you are also eligible for the U-pass which helps you get on OC Transport buses at a cheaper rate than the next option. However, this pass is only issued and used during the Fall and the Winter. The third way is getting a Presto Card. For more information on this, go here
You can hail a cab on the street in Ottawa (if the roof light is on, it’s available), or you can call for one. The biggest and most reliable cab companies are:
BlueLine Taxi 613-238-1111
Capital Taxi 613-744-3333
While in Ottawa, making sure that you are in good health is important and knowing where to go when you are not feeling to well is even more important. Without insurance, medical care can be very expensive. Visit the International students insurance page to learn about your insurance options.
The Social Insurance Number ( SIN ) is a nine-digit number that you need to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits. You can get it free at any Service Canada Location. You can use this link to look for a Service Canada location near you.
While in Canada, you may also want to obtain a Canadian driver’s license. Go here for information on obtaining an Ontario driver’s license.
Parking is usually metered or only allowed during certain hours of the day. Some central neighbourhoods offer free temporary parking along the side of the road. From November 15 to April 1, there is no parking on city streets between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. when 7cm of snow or more is forecast by Environment Canada. Always read parking signs carefully. There are numerous paid lots downtown. Right turns are permitted on red lights unless signs indicate otherwise. Stay clear of taxi and bus lanes, marked by white diamonds on the pavement. Watch for signs indicating that turning or parking is prohibited at certain times (e.g. rush hour).
You can read all national and international news published in Ottawa’s most popular newspapers here