  • B.Com. (uOttawa)
  • M.Sc. (Clarkson)
  • Ph.D. (Penn State University)

Michael Mulvey

Telfer School of Management


Dr. Mulvey is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management since 2003. He is a two-time finalist for the University of Ottawa Award for Excellence in Teaching and was nominated for TVOntario’s 2010 Best Lecturer Competition. Previously, he held research and teaching positions at Rutgers (1996-2002, 2005-2006), Penn State (1993-1996), and the Bucharest School of Management (since 2006). At Rutgers, Dr. Mulvey was named GE Teaching Fellow in 2000 for his innovative use of technology in the classroom and he was a three-time finalist for the Paul Nadler Award for Teaching Excellence and a finalist for the Thomas H. Mott Teaching Excellence Award.


Dr. Mulvey’s research focuses on how products, brands and behaviours gain personal relevance to consumers. He is an expert in using qualitative research methods such as metaphor elicitation, means-end theory and the laddering technique to uncover how customers think. His recent research examines branding and positioning strategy, advertising design and testing, and perceived value and consumer choice. He has published articles in the Journal of RetailingJournal of Public Policy and MarketingInternational Journal of Research in MarketingAdvances in Consumer ResearchQualitative Market ResearchJournal of Leisure Research, and Innovative Marketing.


Dr. Mulvey has served as an expert witness and consultant on a wide range of marketing, consumer behaviour, branding, and advertising issues. Past clients include Bank of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Harrah’s Casino, Hilton Hotels, Motorola, New York State, Panasonic, ShopRite Supermarkets, Toyota, and United Way. He has also provided expert testimony to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Superior Court of Quebec, Federal Court of Canada and Competition Bureau Canada regarding brand confusion, trademark infringement and price deception. He has presented his work at many international conferences and often shares his expertise as a commentator in the media.

Contact Details

Research Interest

Marketing Advertising Comprehension Brand Image and Positioning Strategy Consumer Behaviour Interpretation and Testing Marketing of Financial Services Perceived Value and Product Choice Qualitative Research Methodology