Optical Transport Market industry information session

Looking for partnerships or high-tech job opportunities in Kanata or Globally?
Want a road map to understand what is happening in industry with respect to Optical Transport, Data Centers, and Telecommunications Networks?
Highly successful alumni, Hojjat Salemi will present a roadmap to the industry that he has in-depth knowledge of.
His aim is to help assist students and professors succeed in their engagements with Tier 1 companies world wide. https://ranovus.com/company/hojjat-salemi/
Overview of Optical Transport Market
Optical Transport Networks enable the connectivity of the Internet.
This talk will provide a high level  Market view of the key companies that are providing equipment to this segment of the market (Ciena, Huawei, Cisco, ZTE, NEC, Fujitsu, …).
The talk will you understand key companies that provide products in particular market segments.
This knowledge would help students and professors understand key market needs in terms of required expertise and possible research areas that are driven by industry demands.