Telfer Health Systems Research Group Meeting

The Telfer Health Systems Research Group invites you to the first meeting of this academic year.

They will be welcoming Alexandru Popp, who is at the stage of finishing his PhD at the University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon) in Mechanical (Industrial) Engineering. He has been a member of OR spear-headed projects in healthcare at the Jewish General Hospital (Montreal), the Saskatoon Cancer Clinic, and the Douglas Research Center (Montreal), such as: FMEA analysis, Kaizen, TDABC, increase and optimize activities in different departments/units, modeling and simulation, scheduling and rescheduling, process workflow, designing operations and processes, engineer and reengineer processes, just to name a few. He received his BA from Concordia University in Political Science and Philosophy, after which he followed a Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain and Operations Management at McGill University from which he also received a Lean Six-Sigma Green Belt. His Master’s degree is also from Concordia University, John Molson School of Business, in Administration with the Management concentration (not the MBA). Presently, he is working at one of the top supply chain firms in Canada that handles 1/3 of Canadian medical devices/medicine (drugs) distributions in Canada.

The abstract of his talk is as follows:

Healthcare is an intricate environment. There are many moving parts that need to be researched in order to create a system that is efficient and effective. Besides the quantitative research that is pursued in healthcare, not much attention is given to the qualitative aspects. As such, the methodology, and especially the methodology of the methodology of research in healthcare, needs and must be addressed. There are 10 points to check while performing any type of analysis, for projects, dissertations or theses, which must be accomplished. I am addressing all these stages with examples. Yet, in my opinion, the most important step is ‘Having a Champion’ (one of the steps). Without having the qualitative features that cloth the quantitative research, the latter would miss important elements and it would not be able to be implemented in the real world, in real healthcare situation, may those be for hospitals, clinics or policy. One must pay attention to every element that may (or may not) influence the healthcare system.

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